Corporate gifts are a vital part of fostering a good working relationship with your associates and customers. When thoughtfully planned, they can keep your employees motivated and encourage them to give 100%. Moreover, corporate gifting is a proven method of boosting business sales and establishing long-running loyalty among business partners, suppliers, and distributors.

However, corporate gifting can be tricky and intimidating. Searching for the perfect gift isn’t always easy. Of course, there is no science behind choosing the right corporate gift, but we would like to share some things to keep in mind while buying gifts.

Our ultimate guide to corporate gifting will help you on your journey to find the best corporate gifts for your company. We will also give you all the great reasons you should incorporate a corporate gifting culture into your organisation.

We will help you take your corporate gifting to the next level and ensure the gesture is conveyed positively!

What Is Corporate Gifting?

Corporate gifting is an in-house organisational culture used to express gratitude and appreciation towards employees, clients, partners, and customers. The goal of this practice is to strengthen the relationship with the recipient.

Harvard Business Review says individual acknowledgment and recognition are equally important in the overall growth of a department and an organisation. It reminds peers that individual achievements are valuable and appreciated. Even a small act of gifting conveys unspoken value and respect.

Why Is Corporate Gifting Important?


Business is all about people. Business is all about relationships.

People love special treatment, enjoy getting gifts/trophies after the victorious completion of a project, and appreciate gestures of thanks. Whether it is a coffee gift card, Uber ride, bouquet, group lunch/dinner, vacation time, etc., any effort to show recognition reflects how much you care about your organisation and the betterment of people associated with it.

The manner and expression in which a gift is given are crucial. It's you who is expressing gratitude. If your expression doesn't reflect it, your gift won’t either. Corporate gifting is all about building and maintaining trust in business. It is a powerful way to keep your associates for the long term and accomplish excellent outcomes.

Below are a few undeniable reasons why corporate gifting is valuable:

  • Creates goodwill
  • Builds and maintains relationships
  • Develops vital business connections by bridging physical distance barriers
  • Strengthens your contacts
  • Enhances your company’s image

Corporate Gifting Types



Corporate gifts can express a diverse range of values. Before making a purchase, ensure you have a clear vision regarding the purpose of corporate gifting to various departments and verticals of the business. Corporate gifting can result in better response, connection, and effort from your recipients if planned appropriately.

Marketing Gifts

Marketing gifts are specifically targeted towards your audience and go beyond classic banner ads and email marketing. Marketing gifts are a great way to introduce your brand vision, mission, and philosophy to customers. These types of gifts reflect how much you care about your customers and help build a loyal customer base. Consider the potential of e-gifts, thank you gifts, and referral gifts as well.

On the other hand, you can also customise your marketing gifts depending on whether your target is SMB, enterprise client, B2B, or B2C. Marketing gifts are a great tool to ramp up your response and increase revenue in the long run.

Sales Prospecting Gifts

Sales Prospecting Gifts, perhaps better known as “freebies”, can definitely help to increase sales. Because who doesn't love free goodies?

Sales prospecting gifts are an extremely effective way to improve your market reach for both inbound and outbound sales prospecting. Emails and calls have their place, but if you want to really take things to the next level and create a strong upfront psychological connection with leads, sales prospecting gifts is the way to go.

Corporate Gifts for Clients

Giving gifts to your clients is an excellent way to improve connection and communication. It can strengthen loyalty and even open up new sources of revenue. Your business needs to be engaged with your clients to make the relationship last. Giving corporate gifts to clients is an investment in your company that ensures business success with old and new clients alike.

You can gift anything from swag boxes and live plants to sweets and indulgent treats. Vacations and experience tickets are also a great way to show your clients how much they mean to your business.

Personalised Gifts for Customers

Whether it is your client, prospect, customer, or employee, a personalised gift shows the customer how much you value their business and that you are invested in your working relationship being the best it can be. Personalisation demands additional effort, but it’s worth it! Learn more about the recipient's interest, hobbies, and favourite things to make sure the gift resonates with them.

You can send personalised gifts for any occasion or event, not just on holiday. For example, send out a small token of gratitude during renewals, milestones, event registration, with welcome packages, and even just to surprise them out of the blue. A personalised gift is a great way to forge a connection with customers and show your interest in them as an individual.

Corporate Gifts for Employees

Giving a token of appreciation from time to time to your employees will create a deep bond. As long as your team is content, you will have a long, happy, and loyal relationship. Increasing a salary is not always the solution – appreciation and recognition are valued too!

To make threads stronger among team members, be sure to be involved with them on a personal level. Make them feel that their hard work is acknowledged and appreciated. A well-thought-out personalised gift is the best way to convey your gratitude.


Purpose of Corporate Gifts

Developing a corporate gifting practice not only builds relationships with existing clients, suppliers, distributors, customers, and team members; it also opens up unseen business opportunities and improves the company's image. There are many benefits to corporate gift giving if done strategically, including the positive feedback your company can gain from appreciated clients and employees.

For the Business

Doing good and giving to others brings equally rewarding results. It will keep your employee happy, and in return, you will feel a sense of satisfaction in knowing you are positively impacting employees. Furthermore, corporate gifting is also a powerful marketing tool to increase brand loyalty, awareness and retain the brand image.

For Your B2B Relationships

People are the foundation of any corporation. The more attentive you are towards your associates, the stronger your relationship with them will be for the long term.

For Employees

Hard work and dedication should get rewarded. Sometimes a small gesture such as a thank you note also works wonders. Your team is your strength. The stronger your relationship with them, the more loyal they will be. Surveys show organisations with a corporate gift culture always have a higher level of staff retention and loyalty.

For Brand Recognition

Corporate gifting is an art. Consider adding a subtle touch of the company's name or tagline to the gift. Be sure to not go overboard with the logo and name, though. It is still an appreciation gift, not a promotional tool. Customise products keeping your brand image in mind.

For the Bottom Line

Choosing corporate gifts over incentives is an inexpensive option. Bulk buying will decrease the cost of gifts significantly. A well-planned present can give an equally rewarding feeling to the employees, clients, and customers as other incentives might provide. Moreover, it’s also a great way to support local businesses and suppliers.


Do’s and Don'ts While Giving Corporate Gifts

It’s important to be aware of a few things while buying gifts for your clients, team members, and business associates. The gift you choose speaks a lot about your relationship with the recipient and may affect your bond with them.

To choose the most suitable gift, there are a number of factors to consider. If you are an HR manager or sales director, here are some things to consider while hunting for that perfect corporate gift (answers may vary, depending on who the recipient is):

  • What is your relationship like with the recipient at the moment (are you very close or just starting to work together?). Where do you want your relationship to be down the line?
  • Is the gift the right fit? Will it resonate with the receiver?
  • Is it the right time for them to receive the present?
  • Consider the cost factor; expensive versus cheap?
  • Does the gift need a personal touch?
  • Is the gift aligned with the philosophy of the recipients?

Below we’ve highlighted a few do’s and don'ts to keep in mind while buying a corporate gift.

Find Out About Company Gifting Policies

Find out about the corporate gifting policy of the company you are giving the gift to. Ask questions like how ethical is corporate gift giving?

Some entities like banks, multinational companies, and auditing firms have strict rules when it comes to receiving gifts.

For example:

  • The gift must be branded with a company logo.
  • The value of the present may not surpass a specific amount.
  • They might require a witness while accepting the present.
  • Before giving a gift to a government department or agency employees, confirm they are allowed to accept gifts.

The best thing to do is ask your client upfront about their gift-receiving culture. Don't just assume your gift will be welcomed. If they have a "No Gifting" policy, then at least they will know your thoughts and might suggest an alternative for you to show your appreciation.

Don’t Give a Gift During the Tendering Process

Timing can be everything! If you are in the midst of an ongoing deal or in the middle of the bidding process for an upcoming business, it’s not the appropriate time to give a gift, even if your intentions are sincere.

Giving a gift at the wrong time could deliver the wrong message, and the gift could be misconstrued as a bribe. The recipient could see it as unethical behaviour and feel socially obligated towards you or shut the deal down altogether.

Make It Personal & Practical

There is a thin line between a gift that will collect dust and a gift that is truly personal and practical. Most of the time, people are misdirected while putting their effort into thoughtful gifts and end up unconsciously with a generic and impersonal/impractical gift.

So, how can you make sure your corporate gift has that personal touch and offers practicality at the same time?

Think about the receiver's interests, daily life, hobbies, or something they got hooked on recently. Notice what they usually like to share when chit-chatting and consider ways to incorporate that interest into the gift you choose.

Don't Make It Promotional

Things that you give as a handout during an event or tradeshow should be completely different from the corporate gifts you buy. Don't mix the two. Marketing and promotional tools are not meant for thoughtful appreciation.

The goal is to add a personal touch, but that doesn't mean you bombard the receiver with useless promotional stickers or branded notebooks, pens, diaries, calendar, etc.

Do Create a Budget and Stick to It

Budgeting is crucial while corporate gifting. Most of the time, companies have a set spending limit and budget for gifts. This will save you time when narrowing down the perfect gift.

Moreover, it will ensure you are not being too extravagant or cheap. Gifting should always be more about expressing your gratitude than the cost of the item. It is possible to send a thoughtful gift while being on a budget.

Do Have Fun

Gifting shouldn't be a daunting task. With a little planning and creativity, you can come up with fun and thoughtful corporate gifts. Add a little jazz and spark to the workspace, have gift exchange events, or plan team dinners. Having fun while gift-giving will keep your team and clients motivated and take the relationship to the next level.

Don't Use Gifts as Bribes

Gifting should not be portrayed as a bribe. While giving a corporate gift, make sure the message behind the gift is clear. Not every organisation or prospect is used to the idea of corporate gifting, and some are not even allowed to accept gifts. If this is the case, don’t let it deter your appreciation. A genuine thank you can work wonders too.

Show Appreciation Year-Round

The holiday season is not the only time to bestow your gratitude. Gifts are well-received any time of the year and are especially appreciated after successfully completing a project. Make the achievement of milestones a celebration. It will boost the confidence of the team members and pump them up to continue to work effectively towards other goals. Gifts are best appreciated when least expected.


How Do You Present a Great Corporate Gift?

Branding Gifts with Your Logo

A company logo on a gift shows professionalism, but make sure it is done precisely. Even if it doesn't sound crucial, the design, colour, and size of the logo will make or break the whole essence of gifting. Well-thought-out packaging leaves a professional impression.

Sending to One Person

Favouritism does not work in business, and you should not promote this kind of unethical mindset in the workplace. If you are gifting to different departments and associates, then at least give equal gifts if not the same. This way, you will not look like you are picking favourites.

Sending to an Entire Office

When sending gifts for an entire office, go with something that everyone on deck can appreciate. For instance, snacks and treats are a good option. Make sure to choose something that a variety of people can enjoy. You can also send small gifts like our resin coasters. Beware not to send promotional material, as this will not be perceived as genuine appreciation.

Deciding When to Send

Timing is important when sending gifts and appreciation. If you crack a deal or if it is a holiday/special occasion/festival, it’s a great time to send a corporate gift. One thing to consider while giving the gift is that you don't want to appear to be bribing anyone. Consider the time and evaluate how it is going to affect your relationship before sending the gift.

Choosing a Gift

There are a variety of things you can give to the recipient, depending upon their interest and taste. Create a list of things that are going to be valuable in their daily life and at work. Items that they can use frequently are great gifts. Make it a bit more personal and a little less promotional.

How Does Fifth Design Help with Corporate Gifting?

At Fifth Design, we offer practical and timeless resin art that is incorporated into daily life homewares and modern masterpieces. We have a wide range of handmade alternatives that take gifting to the next level. Every piece is handmade with love and care. We even curate gift boxes as per the company's needs and budget. If you are not sure what to gift, we can help you with finding the best options.

The Fifth Design is a celebration of local, handmade homewares that exude both artistic expression and sustainable purchasing – a mindful purchase that is sure to make every heart feel full!

Final Thoughts

Remember, when it comes to showing appreciation for your clients, employees, and suppliers, corporate gifting is the most thoughtful way to go. The gift should definitely reflect your care, but at the same time, the gift should align with the receiver's best interest and philosophy.

Corporate gifting should be fun. Corporate gifting should bridge the gap between business associates.

With an ongoing pandemic, corporate gifting is the ideal way to show that the company's thoughts are with all of its clients, employees, and suppliers. It will keep them motivated and make them feel assured that you appreciate their efforts during this difficult time. Best of all, corporate gifting can strengthen your connection and bond with the recipient, growing the potential for a great work relationship that will benefit both parties.

It is said, "those who stick around during the lows are more appreciated than those who are only there for the highs"!

Get in touch with us and book a one-on-one consultation with our representative. We will help you design the absolute best corporate gifts for your company.

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